#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char gijswijt_next(const char *sequence, unsigned len) {
// [ ] this is dynamic programming
// [ ] this is tabulation
// [ ] this is memoization
// [x] this is quadratic but pretty much instant up to like 10000
char max_repeat_count = 1;
for (unsigned subseq_len = 1; subseq_len <= len / 2; subseq_len++) {
char repeat_count = 1;
unsigned current_count = 0;
for (unsigned i = len - 1; i >= subseq_len; i--) {
if (sequence[i] != sequence[i - subseq_len]) {
if (current_count == subseq_len) {
current_count = 0;
if (max_repeat_count < repeat_count) {
max_repeat_count = repeat_count;
return max_repeat_count;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
unsigned max_iter = 220;
if (argc >= 2) {
if (sscanf(argv[1], "%u", &max_iter) != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s [max iterations (default %u)]\n",
argv[0], max_iter);
char *sequence = malloc((max_iter + 1) * sizeof(*sequence));
unsigned sequence_len = 1;
sequence[0] = '1';
// no wait ouch oof this is cubic help
while (max_iter --> 1) {
char next = gijswijt_next(sequence, sequence_len);
sequence[sequence_len++] = next + '0';
sequence[sequence_len] = '\0';
/* ^^^^^^^^ the fucking thing you know what it is
^^^^ print the is to output write */
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