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code guessing, round #10 (completed)
started at 2021-12-16T16:20:36.873000+00:00 ; stage 2 at 2022-01-02T17:00:16.886000+00:00 ; ended at 2022-01-09T12:27:07.248000+00:00
specification here we go again.
the challenge for round 10 of code guessing is to implement another game , for the web .
submissions may be written in java , c# , php , python , javascript or wasm (which may only be compiled from any of the aforementioned languages, in addition to c and rust ).
once again, not much of a spec here, all we have are some additional rules:
your game should be played in a web browser, whether you submit an implementation of a web app or just an HTML page to open locally.
do not use automated tools to obfuscate or minify your submission. that's not to say you can't obfuscate, but you have to do it by hand.
if you submit wasm, include the source code in the source file.
wasm-4 usage is, of course, allowed.
have fun, again.
P.S. note from the event manager: do games as cool as you did last time so that I get to play all of them
👑 gollark +3 -0 = 3 IFcoltransG (was Olive) LyricLy Olivia Olive (was BeatButton) BeatButton (was IFcoltransG) GNU Radio Shows GNU Radio Shows +2 -1 = 1IFcoltransG (was Olive) LyricLy Olivia BeatButton (was gollark) Olive (was BeatButton) gollark (was IFcoltransG) IFcoltransG +1 -0 = 1Olive BeatButton (was LyricLy) gollark (was Olivia) GNU Radio Shows (was gollark) LyricLy (was BeatButton) Olivia (was GNU Radio Shows) LyricLy +2 -2 = 0IFcoltransG (was Olive) Olivia GNU Radio Shows (was gollark) BeatButton gollark (was IFcoltransG) Olive (was GNU Radio Shows) Olive +1 -1 = 0GNU Radio Shows (was LyricLy) LyricLy (was Olivia) Olivia (was gollark) BeatButton gollark (was IFcoltransG) IFcoltransG (was GNU Radio Shows) BeatButton +1 -3 = -2IFcoltransG (was Olive) Olivia GNU Radio Shows (was gollark) Olive (was IFcoltransG) gollark (was GNU Radio Shows) Olivia +1 -4 = -3LyricLy (was Olive) IFcoltransG (was LyricLy) GNU Radio Shows (was gollark) BeatButton Olive (was IFcoltransG) gollark (was GNU Radio Shows)
you can download all the entries
entry #1 written by Oliveguesses IFcoltransG (by gollark) IFcoltransG (by LyricLy) IFcoltransG (by GNU Radio Shows) IFcoltransG (by BeatButton) LyricLy (by Olivia) Olive (by IFcoltransG)comments Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, compression method=store
entry #2 written by LyricLyguesses BeatButton (by IFcoltransG) GNU Radio Shows (by Olive) IFcoltransG (by Olivia) LyricLy (by gollark)LyricLy (by GNU Radio Shows)comments ASCII text
entry #3 written by Oliviaguesses LyricLy (by Olive) Olivia (by gollark)Olivia (by LyricLy)Olivia (by GNU Radio Shows)Olivia (by BeatButton)gollark (by IFcoltransG) comments 0tetris_trademark_2022.html ASCII text, with very long lines (3667)
entry #4 written by gollarkguesses BeatButton (by GNU Radio Shows) GNU Radio Shows (by Olivia) GNU Radio Shows (by IFcoltransG) GNU Radio Shows (by LyricLy) GNU Radio Shows (by BeatButton) Olivia (by Olive) comments 0index.html ASCII text
entry #5 written by BeatButtonguesses BeatButton (by Olivia)BeatButton (by Olive)BeatButton (by LyricLy)LyricLy (by IFcoltransG) Olive (by gollark) Olive (by GNU Radio Shows) comments 0quickmaths.html ASCII text
entry #6 written by IFcoltransGguesses BeatButton (by gollark) Olive (by Olivia) Olive (by BeatButton) gollark (by Olive) gollark (by LyricLy) gollark (by GNU Radio Shows) comments 0xii.html ASCII text, with very long lines (311)
entry #7 written by GNU Radio Showsguesses GNU Radio Shows (by gollark)IFcoltransG (by Olive) Olive (by LyricLy) Olivia (by IFcoltransG) gollark (by Olivia) gollark (by BeatButton) comments 0main.c ASCII text
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