anon settings
round #70 at
round #69
(solve an equation in reverse)
round #68
(decipher a substitution cipher)
round #67
(calculate poker odds)
round #66
(do gijswijt's sequence)
round #65
(find out if a cellular automaton conserves population)
round #64
(enumerate the look-and-say sequence)
round #63
(implement ysl)
round #62
(implement a text editor)
round #61
(participate in the rock-paper-scissors royale)
round #60
(calculate line of sight)
round #59
(interpret probablistic PricK)
round #58
(output the specification)
round #57
(simulate an ai)
round #56
(reverse-engineer a regex)
round #55
(find trax wins)
round #54
(implement 3d rendering)
round #53
(parse a box drawing)
round #52
(generate the thue-morse sequence)
round #51
(do the impossible)
round #50
(implement autocomplete)
round #49
(implement a lisp)
round #48
(find the assassinations foretold in moby-dick)
round #47
(find a longest increasing subsequence)
round #46
(find candidate keys)
round #45
(play connect four)
round #44
(play countdown)
round #43
(emulate a spirograph)
round #42
(implement 2048)
round #41
(implement FALSE)
round #40
(solve a 15 puzzle)
round #39
(implement brain-flak)
round #38
(calculate, I-style)
round #37
(compute digital roots)
round #36
(work out change)
round #35
(play sokoban)
round #34
(play fizzbuzz)
round #33
(emulate a one-instruction set computer)
round #32
(generate a maze)
round #31
(plan my week)
round #30
(calculate levenshtein distance)
round #29
(simulate elementary cellular automata)
round #28
(count rectangles)
round #27
(trap rainwater)
round #26
(compute the longest common substring)
round #25
round #24
(implement an associative array)
round #23
(divide polynomials)
round #22
(draw a line)
round #21
(flood fill)
round #20
(play tic-tac-toe)
round #19
(delete your own submission)
round #18
(compute the fibonacci sequence)
round #17
(check if a number is prime)
round #16
(invert a binary tree)
round #15
(simulate bingo)
round #14
(take the dot product)
round #13
(compile brainfuck)
round #12
round #11
(compress data)
round #10
(implement another game)
round #9
(implement a game)
round #8
(find a string in another string)
round #7
(decide if a string is valid json)
round #6
(find a number's fibonacci sum)
round #5
(base32-encode a string)
round #4
(check if two strings are anagrams)
round #3
(multiply two square matrices)
round #2
(solve a maze)
round #1
(sort a list of integers)