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welcome back and happy new year! for the return of code guessing you must decipher a substitution cipher. submissions may be written in any language.
a substitution cipher is one that replaces each symbol (usually Latin letter) of the plaintext with another, fixed, one; as the same unit is always replaced with the same thing, this type of cipher is very easy to crack using a variety of methods, such as frequency analysis.
this problem is plainly statistical. without assuming what type of text has been ciphered, it is impossible to solve with any reliability. you may assume anything you like, but if you are uncreative, "English text written with only ASCII letters" is a good starting-off point.
your challenge, given text ciphered with a substitution cipher, is to find what the plaintext likely was (or to find the substitution table). as any language is allowed, there is no fixed API.
3 entries have been received so far.